Friday, June 7, 2013

4th Session - June 4th, 2013

Back with a new post for this month for my 4th tattoo removal session. Trust me, I dread to go and for removal now, not because I don't want to complete it, but because it is really painful! But well, the determination overwhelm the pain I guess. Look and yet not looking forward for the next session though. Hahaha.

Well, last month removal did not see much of a difference. 
Below are the pictures for this month:

Placed on numbing cream as usual and this time round about 30 minutes because I feedback that it was quite painful the previous time. Maybe is psychological effect but this time round, the pain is not  as painful as the previous one. haha.

This two pictures are the status of my tattoo before the session starts.

and this 2 are the pictures of the removal right after the session. Apparently, my BF (who has been accompanying me for all sessions) said that this session is a lot a lot a lot more "bloody" looking after the removal. Also, the after session "burning sensation" can said to be one of the worst throughout my four sessions.

But I think this is due to the ink differences of the tattoo. My doctor mentioned to me that some of them are darker and some of them are lighter, which I think is the inner petal of lotus (light) and outer petal of lotus (dark). My light ink are reacting well to the laser but the darker one is not reacting well/at all. So she have increased the strength of the laser.

This is how my lotus look like after 1 day (after removing the bandage). I will take one more clearer picture today ! (my BF is not in Singapore so I can't get him to help me take photo already :( )

This is how my words on my arm look like today ( after 4 days) and it is very very obvious that the colour fade a lot and look a lot more "blur" now. those darker red thing are actually dried blood. Don't want to scrub off in case I accidentally tear off anything and bleed.

Yup. That's all for now!

I am looking forward for next session (one step nearer) and not looking forward to the pain ! :(